Τρανό παράδειγμα του παραλογισμού του ισοπεδωτισμού της διαστρέβλωσης και της ανοησίας που βασιλεύει στις μέρες μας είναι το απόσπασμα απο την εκπομπή Real Time του Bill Maher.Καλεσμένοι εκτός των άλλων ήταν ο Ben Affleck και ο Sam Harris.
Μια εχρικότητα στην ατμόσφαιρα.
Ο Harris όπως αναφέρει στο προσωπικό του ιστολόγιο, αιφνιδιάστηκε απο την εχθρικότητα που ο Affleck επέδειξε εξ αρχής και την απέδωσε στην αγνοια του για τον ίδιο και το έργο του(οπως αποδείχθηκε στις συζητήσεις μετά το τέλος της εκπομπής) ,αλλά και την κακή εικόνα που σχημάτισε απο “σύμβουλους” του προφανώς.Ο Ben απο την αρχή δείχνει τις προθέσεις του διακόπτοντας σε κάθε ευκαιρία και κάνοντας ειρωνικά σχόλια.
Ο Harris όπως αναφέρει στο προσωπικό του ιστολόγιο, αιφνιδιάστηκε απο την εχθρικότητα που ο Affleck επέδειξε εξ αρχής και την απέδωσε στην αγνοια του για τον ίδιο και το έργο του(οπως αποδείχθηκε στις συζητήσεις μετά το τέλος της εκπομπής) ,αλλά και την κακή εικόνα που σχημάτισε απο “σύμβουλους” του προφανώς.Ο Ben απο την αρχή δείχνει τις προθέσεις του διακόπτοντας σε κάθε ευκαιρία και κάνοντας ειρωνικά σχόλια.
Όπως γράφει και ο ίδιος ο Harris στο ιστολόγιο του:
Για παράδειγμα: Είπα ότι ο φιλελευθερισμός έχει αποτύχει στο θέμα της ισλαμικής θεοκρατίας και ο Affleck παρατήρησε " Δόξα τω Θεώ που είσαι εδώ!"(Αυτή ήταν η δεύτερη διακοπή του συνέντευξη μου.) Τότε είπα, "Μας έχουν πουλήσει αυτό το μιμίδιο της ισλαμοφοβίας, όπου κάθε κριτική του δόγματος του Ισλάμ συγχέεται με τη μισαλλοδοξία προς τους μουσουλμάνους ως ανθρώπους" και ο Affleck πετάχτηκε για τρίτη φορά ρωτώντας αν είμαι ο επίσημος ερμηνευτής του Ισλάμ.
Ο Affleck και ο Nicholas Kristof παρέρμήνευσαν την θέση μου και τα λεγόμενα και εμού αλλά και του Maher.
“Πρέπει να είμαστε σε θέση να επικρίνουμε κακές ιδέες, και το Ισλάμ είναι η μητέρα-κοίτασμα κακών ιδεών.” Αυτή η δήλωση απαντήθηκε με αμέτρητες κατηγορίες για μισαλλοδοξία και ρατσισμό.Αλλά φανταστείτε ότι είμαστε στο έτος 1970, και ελεγα: “Ο κομμουνισμός είναι η μητέρα-κοίτασμα κακών ιδεών” Πόσο λογικό θα ήταν να μου επιτεθεί ως ρατσιστή ή ως κάποιος που φιλοξενεί ένα παράλογο μίσος κατά των Ρώσων, Ουκρανών, Κινέζων κ.ο.κ;
Αυτή είναι ακριβώς η οπτική μου. Η κριτική μου για το Ισλάμ είναι μια κριτική στις πεποιθήσεις και τις συνέπειες, αλλά οι φίλοι μου οι φιλελέυθεροι αντανακλαστικά το βλέπουν ως μια εκφραση μισαλλοδοξίας προς τους ανθρώπους.
Γενναίοι Μουσουλμάνοι
Ο Kristof έθιξε το γεγονός ότι υπάρχουν γενναίοι Μουσουλμάνοι που διακινδυνεύουν τη ζωή τους για να καταδικάσουν τον εξτρεμισμό στη μουσουλμανική κοινότητα. “Φυσικά υπάρχουν και το επικροτώ” απάντησε ο Harris αλλα αγνοείτε το γεγονός, που είναι και το βασικό,ότι αυτοί οι άνθρωποι θέτουν την ζωή τους σε κίνδυνο προσπαθόντας να προωθήσουν τα βασικά ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα στο μουσουλμανικό κόσμο.
Έμεινα εμβρόντητος
Η ανοησία που επιδεικνύει ο Affleck αν και ο ίδιος ο Harris δεν θεωρεί ανόητο τον Affleck,το αντίθετο μάλιστα όπως αναφέρει χαρακτηριστικά είναι το σημείο που ο Harris λέει στον Affleck πως δεν έχει κατανοήσει τι θέλει να πει με τον δεύτερο να ξεσπά κάνοντας αναγωγές κακού τύπου προπαθώντας να κερδίσει σε ζητωκραυγές του κοινού αλλά χωρίς επιχειρήματα.
Ένα από τα πιο θλιβερά γεγονότα στον απόηχο αυτής της κουβέντας είναι ο τρόπος με τον οποίο ο Affleck επαινείται για το ότι εξέθεσε εμένα (σ.σ Harris) και τον Maher για ρατσισμό ,μισαλλοδοξία και μίσος κατά των μουσουλμάνων.Αυτό είναι ένα ακόμη σημάδι ότι απλά κατηγορώντας κάποιον για μια από αυτές τις αμαρτίες ακόμα και παράλογα, αρκεί να τα καθιερώσει ως γεγονότα στο μυαλό των πολλών θεατών.
Ο Harris στο κείμενο του επίσης αναφέρει: Πιστεύω πραγματικά ότι τόσο Affleck και Κριστόφ δεν έχουν κακή πρόθεση. Ανησυχούν για την αμερικανική ξενοφοβία και τις προοπτικές των μελλοντικών στρατιωτικων περιπετειών αλλά βρίσκονται σε σύγχυση σχετικά με το Ισλάμ. Όπως πολλοι φιλελεύθεροι αρνούνται να αποδεχθούν τις άφθονες αποδείξεις ότι τεράστιοι αριθμοί μουσουλμάνων πιστεύουν επικίνδυνα πράγματα για τους άπιστους,την αποστασία,την βλασφημία, το τζιχάντ, και το μαρτύριο.
Όλο το άρθο του Harris απο το ιστολόγιο του εδώ
Απόσπασμα της συζήτησης στην Αγγλική:
Όλο το άρθο του Harris απο το ιστολόγιο του εδώ
Απόσπασμα της συζήτησης στην Αγγλική:
BEN AFFLECK: How about
more than a billion people who aren't fanatical, who don't punch
women, who just want to go to school, have some sandwiches, pray 5
times a day, and don't do any of the things you're saying of all
Muslims. It's stereotyping.
SAM HARRIS, AUTHOR: I'm not saying all Muslims --
AFFLECK: Some of them do bad things and you're painting the whole religion with that broad brush.
MAHER: Wait, let's get down to who has the right answer here. A billion people, you say.
AFFLECK: A billion five.
MAHER: All these billion people don't hold these pernicious beliefs?
AFFLECK: They don't.
MAHER: That's just not true, Ben. That's just not true. You're trying to say that these few people, that's all the problem is, these few bad apples. The idea that someone should be killed if they leave the Islamic
AFFLECK: That's horrible.
MAHER: But you're saying the idea that someone should be killed if they leave the Islamic religion is just a few bad apples?
AFFLECK: The people who would actually believe in that you murder someone if they leave Islam is not the majority of Muslims at all...
SAM HARRIS: Just imagine you have some concentric circles. You have at the center, you have jihadists, these are people who wake up wanting to kill apostates, wanting to die trying. They believe in paradise, they believe in martyrdom. Outside of them, we have Islamists, these are people who are just as convinced of martyrdom and paradise and wanting to foist their religion on the rest of humanity but they want to work within the system. They're not going to blow themselves up on a bus. They want to change governments, they want to use democracy against itself. Those two circles arguably are 20% of the Muslim world.
BEN AFFLECK: What are you basing that research on?
HARRIS: There are a bunch of poll results that we can talk about. To give you one point of contact: 78% of British Muslims think that the Danish cartoonist should have been prosecuted. 78%. So, I'm being conservative when I roll this back to 20%. But outside of that circle you have conservative Muslims who can honestly look at ISIS and say that does not represent us, we're horrified by that but they hold views about human rights, and about women, and about homosexuals that are deeply troubling. So, these are not Islamists, they are not jihadists, but they often keep women and homosexuals immiserated in these cultures and we have to empower the true reformers in the Muslim world to change it. And lying about doctrine and this behavior is not going to do that...
MICHAEL STEELE, FMR. RNC CHAIR: So having said that, even if that is true, statistically or otherwise, the key thing to recognize that I don't think is part of the argument but I think should be is that there are voices that are oftentimes raised in opposition to these jihadists and to these extreme acts but, guess what, they don't covered, they don't get exposed. And they're not on the same level platform that we see jihadists get.
BILL MAHER: One reason they don't get exposed is because they're afraid to speak out because it's the only religion that acts like the mafia that will fucking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book. There's a reason why Ayaan Hirsi Ali needs bodyguards 24/7...
AFFLECK: What is your solution? To condemn Islam? To do what? We've killed more Muslims than they've killed us by an awful lot. We've invaded more --
MAHER: I'm not for more dead Muslims.
AFFLECK: And somehow we're exempt from these things because they're not really a reflection of what we believe in. We did it by accident, that's why we invaded Iraq.
MAHER: We're not convincing anybody here.
AFFLECK: I'm simply telling you that I disagree with you.
MAHER: I understand, and we're obviously not convincing anybody here.
HARRIS: You don't understand my argument.
AFFLECK: Your argument is, "You know, black people, they shoot each other" --
MAHER: It's not! No, it's not. It's based on facts. I can show you a Pew poll of Egyptians. They are not outliers in the Muslims world. It's like 90% of them believe death is the appropriate response to leaving the religion. If 90% of Brazilians thought that death was the appropriate response to leaving Catholicism you would think it was a bigger deal.
AFFLECK: I would think it's a big deal no matter what.
MAHER: Okay, well, that's the facts.
AFFLECK: I wouldn't say it's all Brazilians, or I wouldn't say, "Well, Ted Bundy did this. God damn these gays, they're all trying to eat each other."
HARRIS: Let me just give you what you want. There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who are nominal Muslims who don't take the faith siresly, who don't want to kill apostates, who are horrified by ISIS and we need to defend these people, prop them up and let them reform their faith.
AFFLECK: ISIS couldn't couldn't full a AA ballpark in Charleston, West Virginia and you want to make a career out of ISIS, ISIS, ISIS.
MAHER: No we're not. That's the opposite.
HARRIS: No, it's not just ISIS, it's all jihadists. It's a phenomenon of global jihad.
MAHER: I think that's the opposite of what we're doing.
AFFLECK: There is those things. There is ISIS, there is global jihadists. The question is the degree to which you're willing to say, because I've witnessed this behavior, which we all object to on part of these people, I'm willing to flatly condemn those of you I don't know and never met.
MAHER: They're not willing. This is based on reality.
HARRIS: It's not condemning people, it's ideas.
MAHER: It's based on reality, Ben. We're not take it up that in the Muslim world it is mainstream belief.
NICHOLAS KRISTOF: This is such a caricature of Indonesia, of Malaysia, of so much of the world. And this does have a tinge a little bit of how white racists talk about African-American and define blacks by --
MAHER: What you're saying is because they are a minority, we shouldn't criticize.
AFFLECK: It's not a minority, it's the second biggest religion in the world.
MAHER: Exactly, but you're treating them like a minority. I mean if Filipinos were capturing teenagers and sending them into white slavery, we would criticize that. We wouldn't say, oh, well, they're Filipinos.
AFFLECK: You would criticize the people who are doing it, not the Philippines. A Filipino kid who lives on the streets has nothing to do with that. These are different things.
SAM HARRIS, AUTHOR: I'm not saying all Muslims --
AFFLECK: Some of them do bad things and you're painting the whole religion with that broad brush.
MAHER: Wait, let's get down to who has the right answer here. A billion people, you say.
AFFLECK: A billion five.
MAHER: All these billion people don't hold these pernicious beliefs?
AFFLECK: They don't.
MAHER: That's just not true, Ben. That's just not true. You're trying to say that these few people, that's all the problem is, these few bad apples. The idea that someone should be killed if they leave the Islamic
AFFLECK: That's horrible.
MAHER: But you're saying the idea that someone should be killed if they leave the Islamic religion is just a few bad apples?
AFFLECK: The people who would actually believe in that you murder someone if they leave Islam is not the majority of Muslims at all...
SAM HARRIS: Just imagine you have some concentric circles. You have at the center, you have jihadists, these are people who wake up wanting to kill apostates, wanting to die trying. They believe in paradise, they believe in martyrdom. Outside of them, we have Islamists, these are people who are just as convinced of martyrdom and paradise and wanting to foist their religion on the rest of humanity but they want to work within the system. They're not going to blow themselves up on a bus. They want to change governments, they want to use democracy against itself. Those two circles arguably are 20% of the Muslim world.
BEN AFFLECK: What are you basing that research on?
HARRIS: There are a bunch of poll results that we can talk about. To give you one point of contact: 78% of British Muslims think that the Danish cartoonist should have been prosecuted. 78%. So, I'm being conservative when I roll this back to 20%. But outside of that circle you have conservative Muslims who can honestly look at ISIS and say that does not represent us, we're horrified by that but they hold views about human rights, and about women, and about homosexuals that are deeply troubling. So, these are not Islamists, they are not jihadists, but they often keep women and homosexuals immiserated in these cultures and we have to empower the true reformers in the Muslim world to change it. And lying about doctrine and this behavior is not going to do that...
MICHAEL STEELE, FMR. RNC CHAIR: So having said that, even if that is true, statistically or otherwise, the key thing to recognize that I don't think is part of the argument but I think should be is that there are voices that are oftentimes raised in opposition to these jihadists and to these extreme acts but, guess what, they don't covered, they don't get exposed. And they're not on the same level platform that we see jihadists get.
BILL MAHER: One reason they don't get exposed is because they're afraid to speak out because it's the only religion that acts like the mafia that will fucking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book. There's a reason why Ayaan Hirsi Ali needs bodyguards 24/7...
AFFLECK: What is your solution? To condemn Islam? To do what? We've killed more Muslims than they've killed us by an awful lot. We've invaded more --
MAHER: I'm not for more dead Muslims.
AFFLECK: And somehow we're exempt from these things because they're not really a reflection of what we believe in. We did it by accident, that's why we invaded Iraq.
MAHER: We're not convincing anybody here.
AFFLECK: I'm simply telling you that I disagree with you.
MAHER: I understand, and we're obviously not convincing anybody here.
HARRIS: You don't understand my argument.
AFFLECK: Your argument is, "You know, black people, they shoot each other" --
MAHER: It's not! No, it's not. It's based on facts. I can show you a Pew poll of Egyptians. They are not outliers in the Muslims world. It's like 90% of them believe death is the appropriate response to leaving the religion. If 90% of Brazilians thought that death was the appropriate response to leaving Catholicism you would think it was a bigger deal.
AFFLECK: I would think it's a big deal no matter what.
MAHER: Okay, well, that's the facts.
AFFLECK: I wouldn't say it's all Brazilians, or I wouldn't say, "Well, Ted Bundy did this. God damn these gays, they're all trying to eat each other."
HARRIS: Let me just give you what you want. There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who are nominal Muslims who don't take the faith siresly, who don't want to kill apostates, who are horrified by ISIS and we need to defend these people, prop them up and let them reform their faith.
AFFLECK: ISIS couldn't couldn't full a AA ballpark in Charleston, West Virginia and you want to make a career out of ISIS, ISIS, ISIS.
MAHER: No we're not. That's the opposite.
HARRIS: No, it's not just ISIS, it's all jihadists. It's a phenomenon of global jihad.
MAHER: I think that's the opposite of what we're doing.
AFFLECK: There is those things. There is ISIS, there is global jihadists. The question is the degree to which you're willing to say, because I've witnessed this behavior, which we all object to on part of these people, I'm willing to flatly condemn those of you I don't know and never met.
MAHER: They're not willing. This is based on reality.
HARRIS: It's not condemning people, it's ideas.
MAHER: It's based on reality, Ben. We're not take it up that in the Muslim world it is mainstream belief.
NICHOLAS KRISTOF: This is such a caricature of Indonesia, of Malaysia, of so much of the world. And this does have a tinge a little bit of how white racists talk about African-American and define blacks by --
MAHER: What you're saying is because they are a minority, we shouldn't criticize.
AFFLECK: It's not a minority, it's the second biggest religion in the world.
MAHER: Exactly, but you're treating them like a minority. I mean if Filipinos were capturing teenagers and sending them into white slavery, we would criticize that. We wouldn't say, oh, well, they're Filipinos.
AFFLECK: You would criticize the people who are doing it, not the Philippines. A Filipino kid who lives on the streets has nothing to do with that. These are different things.
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